Josh is 18 years old and recently graduated from high school. He lives in public housing with his mother. Josh was awarded a settlement which was used to fund a PLAN First-Party Special Needs Pooled Trust. Josh’s mother had great difficulty understanding the process of finding replacement services for him, that were previously provided through the school system, and had many questions about other benefits. [...]
Dylan is a charming, delightful, and funny young man who just started a new chapter in his life, high school. When Dylan was five months old he suffered from shaken baby syndrome. Now that he is a young man he needs full care; he is visually impaired, has cerebral palsy, requires a wheelchair, has academic special needs and has hand splints. […]
When Daniel was turning 22, he was getting ready to exit school and that’s when the Arc of the South Shore came back into Daniel’s life. Early on, Daniel was diagnosed with Autism and the family reached out to The Arc’s Early Intervention program. […]
Emily loves spending time with her family and loves Boston sports. Always with a big smile on her face, she enjoys every part of life. Emily is part of the Arc’s Day Habilitation program and brightens up everyone’s day. She takes part in everything she can and is happy to do it. […]
“Frankie is the glue that holds the family together,” Roseann said of her brother who is part of The Arc’s Residential and Day Habilitation programs. Frankie, 60, has been with the Arc for 30 years. […]
Sunday through Friday Paula resides at the group home in Rockland, MA. But on the weekends, she joins her sister Sandi and her family enjoying gardening, outdoor projects and her nieces’ soccer games. Paula has been utilizing various programs of The Arc of the South Shore since she was 18. […]
Paula and Daniel are the foster parents of five kids; Ella, Lila, John, Madison and Cecilla. Knowing of their children’s various disabilities, they enrolled them in The Arc of the South Shore’s First Early Intervention Program. […]
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Andrea, Mother of a Program Participant
We wouldn’t be where we are today without all of your support of May. Your EI team truly made a difference.