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Board & Staff

Board & Staff

Our chapter of The Arc is governed by a volunteer board of directors and led by key staff members.

Janine Birmingham

Janine Birmingham

Janine Birmingham is the Director of The Arc’s Autism Resource Center. She joined the agency in May 2016 to develop the center. Janine’s passion for autism began when her son was diagnosed in 1996; she has dedicated her career to helping others navigate the same journey. In the early 2000’s, Janine was one of the founders of an early grassroots non-profit that served the ever-growing autism community at a time when the prevalence was skyrocketing. She created and ran their therapeutic and recreational programs. Prior to joining The Arc, Janine served children with Autism for 16 years in the Quincy Public Schools. Her in-depth personal and professional experience allows her to fully understand the multi-faceted complexities and issues families encounter along the autism journey, from early childhood through adulthood.  Janine strives to whole-heartedly be of service in a compassionate, encouraging, and empowering manner.  She loves to creatively design programs, including The Arc’s signature Exploring Disney Animation classes, and the nationally recognized Sensational Story Time Yoga program that was an Arc Tank finalist in 2022. Along with a B.A. in Psychology, Janine is an Advanced Yoga Teacher, Certified Yoga Therapist, and Hospice Volunteer. 

In 73 years, we have...

  • People Helped


  • Volunteers Engaged


  • Local and National Partnerships


  • Communities Served


  • Andrea, Mother of a Program Participant
    Andrea, Mother of a Program Participant

    We wouldn’t be where we are today without all of your support of May. Your EI team truly made a difference.