Exploring Disney Animation Social Club: The Lion King
This is an exciting opportunity for young adults age 15+ to be part of an interactive social group that explores the themes, lessons, and animation behind selected Disney/Pixar movies. Facilitated by a Special Educator and Disney aficionado and co-facilitated by a neuro-diverse and passionate Disney enthusiast, this group is ideal for young adults with ASD or those who could benefit from social skills coaching in a fun, supportive setting. Members should be able to participate in a 1:6 ratio. Those needing additional support are welcome to bring a support aide.
Classes are held monthly on Sundays from 3-6 pm at 20 Pond Park Road in Hingham. $30 per class, includes activities/games, music, dinner, and more! There is also a movie only option from 3-5pm for $20.
May's class features The Lion King.
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Andrea, Mother of a Program Participant
We wouldn’t be where we are today without all of your support of May. Your EI team truly made a difference.